Our Suites

The Tinsley suite

The Tinsley suite has twelve en-suite rooms and is situated on the ground floor. Our team offer high standards of care to younger adults aged eighteen and over with acquired brain injury. All of our rooms are large enough to accommodate nursing chairs and your specialised equipment as required and have private outdoor space.

Our residents will be encouraged to participate in social activities and entertainment, making use of our namaste wellness spa, and sensory recreation facilities, to enhance the lives of those living with disability.

The Tinsley suite also offers private physiotherapy and occupational health therapy as required which can be factored into the price of your individual needs.

The Priory Suite

This residential suite provides a high standard of long term care for individuals who require minimal support with their daily living or rehabilitation support

This suite is situated on the first floor with nineteen en-suite rooms, which can also cater for complex care needs. You may require assistance to regain mobility, confidence or to assist with social interaction.

We work in collaboration with a local General Practitioner, physiotherapy or Occupational Health and referrals are available dependent on your personal requirements.

The Crystal suite

This suite caters for residents who require palliative nursing needs, found on the second floor with seventeen en-suite rooms. The Crystal suite encompasses your emotional, spiritual and the physical needs, associated with life limiting illness.

Our Palliative Care suite will provide much needed peace, dignity and comfort to patients and families through the most difficult and painful times of their lives. Our multidisciplinary care approach is aimed at optimising quality of life. With relative accommodation, shower facilities and a fully functioning kitchenette available. Our experienced nurse team provide twenty four hour care and compassion, and will guide you and your loved ones through a recognised palliative pathway. The goal for this palliative care pathway  is to align your person centred treatment with their individual goals, expectations and beliefs.