Activities & Further Information

All residents are encouraged to continue their friendships and hobbies that they enjoyed prior to admission.
Activites play an important part of daily life and to facilitate this the Home has a full time activities organiser. There is a programme of activites displayed within the home and also we undertake one to one activites for residents either unable to join or have requested not to be part of group activities.
Being part of the local community is important and we are lucky to have five volunteers to visit the home on a daily basis and assist the resident with group activities and “pampering” sessions.
The Portway Leisure Centre visit the home every Tuesday and conduct a session of non-weight bearing excercises and also we have residents who visit the gym
At Portway House we have our very own hair salon, the service is available to use every Wednesday by our own qualified hairdresser. Should you have your own hairdresser, arrangements can be made for them to visit you at the care centre and they are invited to use our facilities.
Our qualified holistic therapist at Portway house, can provide Indian head massage and reflexology should you wish to book an appointment, our team can arrange this for you.
Dentistry and optical services
We work in collaboration with the local dentist and optician, if you are unable to visit these professionals, domiciliary visits can be arranged.
Further Information
Telephone Calls
Residents are encouraged to keep in touch with your friends and family and may install a telephone into your own room at an addition cost if you require.
Escorting residents to hospital
There may be times where you may have hospital appointments, if you require a member of the team to escort you, the nurse team can facilitate this service, the addition charge for this service can be added to your monthly bill.
To protect the residents, relatives and team members, the front entrance to the building is locked by a security key pad. This is to monitor visitors to Portway House. This is linked to the fire alarm system, should the fire alarm activate, the external doors will automatically open. They will be assisted by a member of the team to access outside. There are also closed-circuit television cameras in operation both inside and outside the building, in communal areas. which can be operated remotely by authorised personnel.
The residents are free to come and go whenever they wish. They will be assisted by a member of the team to access outside should they wish.