
Current Opportunities
Location: Portway house/Newbury Manor
Competitive Salary Part Time/Permanent
A part-time Occupational Therapist is required for a Newly Built Specilaist Care Centre in oldbury specialising in Neuro-rehabilitation patients. The purpose of the unit is to provide in-house assessment and work with individuals to maximise independence or prevent hospital admission or assist in hospital discharge.
Your responsibitlities will include;
- To provide physiotheraputic assessment, Prognosis and advice to our residents
- To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, showing felaxability of shared tasks to ensure that we provide the best quality of service in a pleasent environment for both staff and residents.
Company Events, Company Pension, Flexible Schedule, On-site parking.
Location: Portway house/Newbury Manor
Competitive Salary Part Time/Permanent
A part-time physiotherapist is required for a Newly Built Specilaist Care Centre in oldbury specialising in Neuro-rehabilitation patients. The purpose of the unit is to provide in-house assessment and work with individuals to maximise independence or prevent hospital admission or assist in hospital discharge.
Your responsibitlities will include:
- To provide physiotheraputic assessment, Prognosis and advice to our residents
- To work as part of a multi-disciplinary team, showing felaxability of shared tasks to ensure that we provide the best quality of service in a pleasent environment for both staff and residents.
Company Events, Company Pension, Flexible Schedule, on-site Parking.
Location: Portway House/Newbury Manor Care Home
Job Details
Qualifications: NVQ 2 desirable
Willingness to undertake training to NVQ2 essential
Responsible to: Manager and Directors of Superior Care (Midlands) Limited
Reports to: Manager / Deputy Manager / Registered Nurses
Location: Portway House/Newbury Manor Care Home
Summary of role
Supporting the registered nurses and senior care assistants by:
Acting under the direction of the registered nurses and senior carers, ensuring that care of the highest standard is delivered to all residents.
Assisting in the delivery and recording of care.
Acting as a key worker for a number of named residents.
Principle accountabilities 1: Key Working
Being a Key Worker to an allocated group of residents, working under the direction of the Registered Nurses and Senior Care Assistants.
Assisting the Registered Nurses and Senior Care Assistants in planning and delivering care to each resident for whom the individual is the Key Worker.
Participating in the evaluation and review for each resident for whom the individual is the Key Worker.
Maintaining excellent working relationships with the resident, their family, and visiting professionals for all residents for whom the individual is the Key Worker.
When on duty, ensuring the residents for whom the individual is the Key Worker have a tidy room, and that their clothing and equipment including pads are available and neatly stored.
Principle accountabilities 2: General Care Duties
Ensuring that planned care is delivered consistently and appropriately, facilitating rehabilitation and maximising independence with attention to the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of the resident.
Participating fully in the overall care of residents, including washing, dressing, toileting, personal hygiene, nutritional and fluid intake, and activities.
To assist in maintaining safe levels of care, and maintaining safe personal practice, following safe systems of work at all times.
Promotion of the values of the Home in the Statement of Purpose.
Following the GSCC Code of Conduct, informing a Senior Manager, Registered Nurse in charge of the shift or Senior Care Assistant immediately of any breach of this Code or Portway House values, policies and procedures.
Assisting the Registered Nurse and Senior Care Assistant in planning the care of each resident for whom the individual is the Key Worker.
Participating in the evaluation and review of each resident for whom the individual is the Key Worker, and making daily records on progress as appropriate.
Reporting on and feeding back any relevant issues to the Registered Nurse / Senior Care Assistant on each resident’s care during each shift, particularly where issues affect the health, safety or welfare of the resident.
Attending mandatory training sessions as required.
Attending training sessions as agreed and required to maintain currency of knowledge and practice.
To report any accidents or incidents to a senior member of staff.
To ensure that the company policy on confidentiality is maintained.
Ensuring that breaks are taken only at appropriate times and do not adversely affect resident care, and that the permission of the Registered Nurse or Senior Care Assistant is sought if there is a need to leave the building during shift times.
Being particularly vigilant in the prevention of abuse, including a duty to whistleblow if bad practice or harm to a resident is witnessed.
Ensuring that the uniform is worn in accordance with the company’s Uniform Policy.
Assisting in the welcoming, training and ‘buddying’ of new staff.
Undertaking any other tasks as reasonably requested by a senior member of staff or a Company Director, including non-caring duties.
Location: Portway House/Newbury Manor Care Home
Job Details
Qualifications: RN on NMC Register
Further postgraduate training & qualifications desirable
Responsible to: Directors of Superior Care (Midlands) Limited
Reports to: Registered Manager
Summary of role
To take responsibility for ensuring:
that the highest standards of care are delivered to the residents at all times.
that the reputation of Portway House is upheld by presenting a professional and caring approach at all times to residents, visitors, and external professionals.
that the policies and procedures of Portway House are followed at all times.
the safety of residents, visitors and staff.
the well-being of all residents within the home, and ensuring that their physical, mental, emotional and social care needs are met.
that as a named nurse for a number of residents, the care of those residents is planned and delivered to the highest standard and the resident / family / representatives are fully involved in decisions about care.
that the home is run efficiently, safely and smoothly in the absence of the Manager.
Principle accountabilities
Ensuring that personal practice is in accordance with the NMC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives - 2008.
Ensuring that all care staff follow the GSCC Code of Conduct.
Reporting to a Senior Manager any issues affecting the home’s ability to deliver the highest standards of care, including where the practice of other staff is in question.
Ensuring that care is assessed, planned, implemented, evaluated and fully documented using a person-centred approach for each resident. Whilst focussing on the specific group of residents allocated as the named nurse, the responsibility is for all residents.
Ensuring that care is delivered by appropriately skilled and informed staff.
For the allocated group of residents, ensuring that each resident’s care is reviewed monthly, and that residents and families / representatives are fully involved.
Ensuring that personal care practices are current and research-based wherever possible, maintaining and updating personal knowledge.
Adopting a lead role in an area of specialism / interest, developing knowledge and appropriate skills, ensuring best practice by all staff in that area.
Completing accident and incident records whenever necessary. If in doubt, a record should be completed.
Assisting in the process of investigating complaints, and ensuring that actions are taken as required.
Reporting adverse issues in a timely fashion to a Senior Manager as appropriate.
Reporting issues to the statutory authorities if necessary (e.g. the CQC via required Notices, and the local safeguarding team).
Communicating effectively with residents, relatives, staff, and external professionals.
Assisting in ensuring health and safety at Newbury Manor Nursing Home, including verifying that staff are following safe systems of work.
Ensuring that personal practice in medicines handling, administration, ordering and storage is safe, and compliant with legislation and current guidance issued by the NMC, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, and the CQC.
Supporting the nurse responsible for the four-weekly medicines ordering and checking-in process, liaising with GP surgeries and the pharmacy as necessary.
Responsibility for the supervision of a number of care staff, conducting formal supervision sessions, meetings and appraisals as agreed with the Manager, and being the mentor for a number of care assistants.
Providing clinical support to other registered nurses where required.
Being particularly vigilant in the prevention of abuse, ensuring that all staff are fully aware of their responsibilities in this respect, and taking / reporting appropriate action to the Manager.
Whistleblowing in the event of witnessing bad practice or harm to a resident; being fully conversant with the Whistleblowing Policy.
Responsibility for ensuring that all aspects of wound care and tissue viability are addressed to a high standard, liaising with appropriate external specialists (e.g. Tissue Viability Nurses) as necessary.
Supporting the Manager or Directors as required, ensuring that they are appropriately informed, and ensuring actions requested by them are promptly implemented.
To assist in maintaining safe levels of care, monitoring standards of care and ensuring safe practice.
To be involved with residents’ activities both in and out of the home and to encourage residents to take part in leisure pursuits.
Establish appropriate and professional working relationships with all residents, their visitors, and visiting professional and multi-disciplinary team members, to ensure effective outcomes for the residents, and enhance the reputation of Newbury Manor.
Advising the Manager of any adverse impact on the care of the residents arising from practices, budgetary constraints or non-availability of resources and equipment.
Undertaking any other tasks as reasonably requested by a Senior Manager or the Directors of Superior Care (Midlands) Limited.